About Me

I am a happily married mother of three and grandmother of 5 & Great Gramma to 4!.. I grew up in southern Illinois and moved to New Jersey in 99. I love Scrapbooking... you might say to the point of obsession lol I really enjoy creating and sharing scrapbooking elements and kits, so, check back often for new material!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Autumn Breeze

Last fall I drove around taking shots at random of the fall trees.  These are the few of the pics I came up with in these backgrounds.  The blurry looking one of the first in the bgs actually came out that way, so I blurred copies of the rest to make the elements stand out on them.

This is a picture of my Aunt Ruth & her six sons (my cousins).  She use to joke that God blessed her with sons and the devil paid her back in daughter-in-laws! lol

Fall sceens within a fall tree background.

This kit contains:
      9 Backgrounds
      2 QPs
     21 Elements

1 comment:

Linda said...

Hello and Thank you for this kit...