About Me

I am a happily married mother of three and grandmother of 5 & Great Gramma to 4!.. I grew up in southern Illinois and moved to New Jersey in 99. I love Scrapbooking... you might say to the point of obsession lol I really enjoy creating and sharing scrapbooking elements and kits, so, check back often for new material!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Vintage Love

Was originally going to call this "Love Is In The Air", but when I started making scraps, it just seemed more like a vintage love theme to me. So, I changed it's name lol.

My husbands nephew & godson with his new son :)


Linda said...

Hello and Thank you for this kit...

grandie said...

Thank you so much! I appreciate your kindness in sharing your talents with us :o)

Helen in England